Accredited Schools & Training Programs If you know you want to become a surgical tech and just need to find the right training program, we can help you make the right choice:
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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Utah Surgical Technician Schools

Surgical tech schools in Utah can provide a surgical tech education in anywhere from nine moths to two years. This all depends on whether you choose to pursue a certificate program, associate degree program or another credential. See what Utah surgical tech schools are available in your area.

Utah Surgical Tech Schools Enrolling Now

About Surgical Technician Jobs

Surgical Techs are extremely important in the medical field. Surgical Techs traditionally work with surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists. There is a high demand for trained and certified surgical techs in the medical field. This position requires compassion as well as precision. You will be responsible for patients and their well being and care both inside and outside of the operating room. While working with a surgeon your responsibilities play an important part in the success of the procedures performed.


While you are in school you will study a variety of science classes as well as other classes. Some of the science classes that you will study include:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Physiology
  • Anatomy

The other requirements include patient ethics and medical terminology. Upon completion of your program you will be required to take a series of exams to gain your certification. Once you have completed these exams and received a passing grade you will be able to go out into the work field and apply for surgical tech positions.

Surgical Tech Salaries in Utah

Salaries for surgical techs in Utah average about $38,490 – paying more if you do specialize in a specific area. There is room for growth and with overtime you can definitely increase your salary. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)