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Michigan Surgical Technician Schools

The educational requirements to become a surgical technician in the state of Michigan consist of graduating from a surgical tech school that is accredited by the Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting. These programs can last anywhere from nine months to two years depending of the rigor of the program.

Michigan Surgical Tech Schools Enrolling Now

Surgical Technician Job Opportunities in Michigan

Surgical technicians assist in surgical operations under the supervision of a surgeon, nurse or other qualified individual. Typical duties consist of preparing the operating room and surgical tools, assisting in operations by acquiring any tools or sterile materials the surgeon may need, aiding in transferring the patient to their recovery room, and cleaning the operation room after the surgery is complete. Surgical Technology is one of the most rapidly growing fields in the nation and job outlook for surgical technicians is expected to be very good in every state, with Michigan being no exception.

Surgical Technician Salaries in Michigan

Surgical Technicians in the state of Michigan earn an average hourly pay rate of $19.64 and a yearly salary of $40,850. Salary can vary by employer and the fastest way for a surgical technician to increase his or her salary is to gain certification the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Surgical Technician Certification in Michigan

In order to become a Certified Surgical Technician, graduates of these programs must also perform satisfactorily on an examination administered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting. In order to keep the certification, surgical technicians are required to complete at least 60 hours of continuing education courses in the four years following certification.

Financial Aid Opportunities in Michigan

Financial Aid opportunities are available for qualifying students in Michigan. The first step is to file a FAFSA report which will be reviewed by the institutions that are chosen to receive it. There are also scholarships supported by organizations exclusively for students seeking a degree in surgical technology. Key organizations to contact are the Foundation for Surgical Technology (, and Delmar Cengage Learning (