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Surgical Technologist Schools

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Massachusetts Surgical Technician Schools

Most surgical tech schools in Massachusetts take from nine months to two years to complete. Explore the Massachusetts surgical tech schools below to see if one is a fit fo9r you.

Massachusetts Surgical Tech Schools Enrolling Now

About Surgical Technician Careers in Massachusetts

A surgical technician is a member of the Operating Room. The job is varied from hospital to hospital yet the basics of the job remain the same. Instrument trays that a doctor needs for each operation will be set up by the surgical technician. Each operation requires a different instrument tray but also different equipment on hand. This keeps the job fresh and exciting.

Circulating nurses use to provide the duties that a surgical technician is now responsible for. These technicians are responsible for getting the patient prepared for surgery. This means preparing the area that the operation is targeting. They will shave the patient and apply an antiseptic wash and once finished will drape the patient. Once the surgery starts, the technician passes instruments to the doctor. A good technician will be ready with what the doctor needs, in hand, before being asked. After the surgery clean up is done and that is also a responsibility of a surgical tech.

Financial Aid

Contact the Financial Office at the school you are interested in. They can help you apply for financial aid in the form of FARSA. Once an application is filled out for FARSA, the information will be forwarded directly to the school and any Mass grants that you are eligible for will be awarded at this time.

Opportunities and Salary

Salary is typically around $49,810 a year for Massachusetts surgical technicians – much higher than the national average. Overtime and working shifts will a differential will increase this amount. A medical technician will have a job in the worse economies. There will always be surgeries which will provide you with steady work. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)