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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Columbus Surgical Technician Schools

You can usually become a successful surgical technician with only two years of education at one of the Columbus surgical tech schools available. An associate degree can give you access to this career, while further certification makes you more marketable to employers. One-year certificate programs are also available for students who already have some college education.

See what Columbus surgical tech schools are available near you.

Surgical Technician Schools in or Near Columbus OH

About Surgical Technician Jobs in Columbus

Surgeons receive a great deal of applause and praise for their work. They certainly deserve recognition; however, the surgical technicians that make it possible for them to be successful are often ignored. The surgeon is the most visible surgery team member. Many other medical professionals are needed to carry out the huge task of a surgery.

Long before the surgeon even arrives, the surgical technicians is already hard at work. They are busy preparing the equipment, tools, and instruments. They are testing equipment. Sterilization is another part of their work that is crucial. It is critical that everything in the operating room be sterile. This is no place for germs. Infections can ravage the human body. An open wound is vulnerable to these infections.

Surgical technicians are involved with each stage of the process. Before the surgery, these professionals are getting the environment ready. During the surgery, the tech makes sure the doctor has everything he needs. After the surgery, the scrubs, surgical technicians, make sure the operating room is completely sterilized again. The operating room must be in shape for the next surgical procedure. The surgical technician wears a variety of hats during the surgery process.

Surgical Technician Salaries in Columbus

Surgical technicians can earn a pretty good income in Columbus. The average surgical technician salary for Columbus techs is approximately $39,970 per year. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Financial Aid

The process of getting money for college can be frustrating. Stay the course and put in many different applications; the reward will be worth your effort. School loans are always an option, but you should exhaust all free financial aid gifts first. Then if absolutely necessary, you can apply for student loans.