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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Atlanta Surgical Technician Schools

Becoming a surgical technician in Atlanta can be a smart and rewarding choice due to the ever increasing demand for qualified medical personal. The job description for this profession includes, transporting patients to and from the operating room, preparing the equipment and operating room by proper sterilization techniques, prepping the patient for surgery, assisting the surgeon and operating personal with passing of instruments, and retraction and suturing of incisions, along with other skilled procedures.

Surgical Tech Schools in or near Atlanta, GA

Estimated Salary of Surgical Technicians in Atlanta

Surgical technicians in Atlanta earn (on average) approximately $40,900 a year. They also can receive all the benefits that a professional job offers such as health insurance, paid vacations, paid holidays and paid leaves. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Students are prepared for the workforce by learning a variety of specific skills that pertain to this career. With a diploma program, students can obtain employment with a variety of medical institutions. The diploma program offers academic and technical knowledge along with skills and attitudes that are required to perform this job effectively. Students who graduate with a diploma in Surgical Technology are eligible to take the National Certification Exam to become certified as a surgical technician.

Qualifications for Atlanta Surgical Technician Schools

All students must have a high school diploma or equivalent. They must be at least seventeen years old and must achieve a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Some schools in Atlanta require students to take the NLN exam and pass with a score of at least 75 in order to be considered for the surgical tech program. Interviews, essays and grades are all taken into consideration.

Most schools require certain courses to be completed before a diploma is awarded. The usual courses for surgical technician are medical terminology, anatomy & physiology, introduction to surgical technology, principles of surgical technology, microbiology, surgical patient care, surgical pharmacology and surgical procedures I and II.

Financial Aid Information

Many students qualify for financial assistance. Meeting with the school’s financial aid representative will allow you to receive all the information that is needed for qualification purposes, along with help guiding you through the process of applying and processing the application. Students will also be directed to the best financial assistance programs for them whether it be loans and/or grants.

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