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Tennessee Surgical Technician Schools

Explore surgical tech schools in Tennessee below to find the right program to help you on your path to becoming a surgical technician in Tennessee.

Tennessee Surgical Tech Schools Enrolling Now

The Need For Surgical Technicians

If you are thinking about training to become a Surgical Technician you have chosen a great career and the need is there. After you finish your 24 month Surgical Tech training you should have no trouble finding a position in the medical field. The need for Surgical Technicians is expected to increase to about 24% by 2016. That increase is one of the largest expected in the medical field. Your decision to become a Surgical Technician will be a smart move on your part. People need you and the medical field needs you.

Duties of A Surgical Technician

A Surgical Technician is responsible for sterilizing surgical equipment and laying it all out in the operating room. They will prepare the patient for surgery and make sure they are comfortable. During surgery, the Surgical Technician will hand the surgeon the instruments they need. The duties are very vital to a successful surgery and working well with the other staff is also very important.

The Benefits of Becoming A Surgical Technician

Once you complete your training, you can research the job positions available and choose the one in Tennessee that you want. The need is great in small towns as well as large cities. You can make an average of $37,360 a year, depending on where you decide to work. The wages in large cities are nearly always larger but the living expenses are often larger too. The small towns and smaller cities also have a need and some people prefer the environment of the smaller locations. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

You can also get a great feeling of accomplishment and pride in helping to save lives and that is with you no matter where you choose to work. Any medical position makes you proud that you can be a part of it. Sometimes less money can keep you grounded and you do not forget why you decided to take the path you took. Wanting to help make things better and safer for humanity is a great accomplishment.