Accredited Schools & Training Programs If you know you want to become a surgical tech and just need to find the right training program, we can help you make the right choice:
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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Phoenix Surgical Technician Schools

If you decide to attend one of the surgical tech schools in Phoenix, AZ, you will either go to a two year college and gain an associate’s degree or receive a certificate, which take up to a year to complete. During your studies, you will spend time in classrooms, computer labs, and with hands-on experience. As a surgical technician in training expect to take classes such as Anatomy and physiology.

Explore the Phoenix surgical tech schools available near you to find the best program.

Surgical Tech Schools in or near Phoenix, AZ

About Surgical Technician Jobs in Phoenix

Surgical technicians assist surgeons and nurses in a variety of ways. Everything they do is crucial to the success of all medical operations. Surgical Technicians are mainly responsible for prepping the surgical rooms prior to procedures as well as prepping the patients. During the operations surgical technicians will assist the surgeon with the surgical instruments and equipment. After operations the technician will ensure the patient makes it back to the recovery room. They will also maintain the patients’ records and keep a constant check on the patient’s vital signs.

Average Surgical Technician Salaries in Phoenix

The median salary for a surgical technician in the Phoenix area is $47,370 and it is expected to increase. The salary for a surgical technician does very depending on your experience, if you’re full time/part time, and the hours you are willing to work. Also depending on the company you work for will make a difference as well. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Financial Aid for Surgical Technicians in Phoenix

Financial aid is available to all students. Your options are endless, just get out there and look. Make sure you fill out the FAFSA and submit it on time. The FAFSA will open your doors and allow you to be eligible for Federal Pell Grants and State grants.