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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Philadelphia Surgical Technician Schools

Surgical tech schools in Philadelphia provide quality training to surgical tech students, helping them prepare to become licensed surgical technicians. Most associate programs can be finished in a two-year time frame. Students with less time can earn a certificate in around 9 months. Ambitious surgical technicians have the option of getting a B.S. degree in the field.

Explore the list of Phalidelphia surgical tech schools below to see what programs are right for you.

Surgical Technician Schools in or near Philadelphia, PA

About Surgical Technician Jobs in Philadelphia

Surgeries save lives everyday. Many cancer survivors will tell you their physician was able to catch the cancer in enough time. Surgery is an art and a science. It takes a whole team of medical professionals to deliver quality care to the patient. Each job is important in the operating room. The mistake of one team member can spell disaster for the patient. Surgical technicians are a very critical part of the surgical team. Their influence affects the pre surgery, the actual surgery, and the post surgery results. This individual should be highly trained and prepared to carry out their duties.

Surgeons understand the urgent nature of their jobs. Surgical technicians must deliver the right instruments to the surgeon in a prompt manner. There is no time to waste in the operating room. Surgical technicians are also known as scrubs. Scrubs must get the patient ready for the surgery. This involves cleaning and shaving the areas involved in the surgery. The sterile field in the operating room must remain completely sterile. This is no small task. Scrubs are in charge of making sure everyone follows the proper surgery protocol. Any violations of this procedure will result in a non-sterile surgery. This puts the patient in grave danger. Schools around the country specialize in training surgical technicians. They prepare these professionals to be effective in the operating room.

Surgical Technician Salaries in Philadelphia

Philadelphia area surgical technicians can earn, on average, a salary of about $42,120 per year. This figure can rise significantly with experience and specialization. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Financial Aid

Money is awaiting your application for it. Many sources of funding can ease your college financial burdens.
You must do your part and locate these sources. The best place to start is the government. Uncle Sam offers many grants that will make a dent in your college tuition and fees. Your financial aid office can help you work through the process.