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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Miami Surgical Technician Schools

Surgical tech schools in Miami, FL will teach students how to assist surgeons as a surgical technician, including how to position patients, understand basic instrument sets, prevent and control infections using proper aseptic techniques and function effectively as an important member of the surgical team. Courses for this training include anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, pharmacology, professional ethics and CPR training.

Explore the Miami surgical tech schools available near you to see what programs are best for you.

Surgical Technician Schools in or Near Miami

About Miami Surgical Technician Careers

With demand rising rapidly for Miami Surgical Techs, choosing this career could be a wise choice for quick job placement and long-term security. Employment of surgical techs is expected to grow at a faster rate than other occupations. With the population growing and older people living longer, surgeries are also expected to become more frequent. Also with the latest advancements in technology, such as laser and fiber optics, more surgical technologists will be needed to assist with the growing number of these types of procedures.

Surgical technicians work under the supervision of surgical personnel, registered nurses and surgeons. Their responsibilities include but are not limited to preparing the patient for surgery, transporting the patient to the operating room and back to their room after the procedure, preparing the operating room and equipment using sterilization techniques, and assisting the surgical team with dressings, charts and vital signs.

Average Salaries For Surgical Techs In Miami

Surgical technicians in Miami can expect to earn an average of $38,390 per year based on experience and employer. There are many job opportunities for surgical techs, but the most common places of employment are hospitals. These medical facilities usually offer health benefits, paid leave, paid vacations and paid holidays along with competitive salaries. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Financial Assistance Information

Financial aid for tuition expenses are available for those who meet specific requirements. Meeting with the Department of Financial Services at the school will help provide all the information, paperwork and qualification requirements that are needed. They also have information on grant programs.