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Surgical Technologist Schools

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Iowa Surgical Technician Schools

If you are interested in becoming a surgical tech you will need to go through some schooling. Most of the time the schooling will only take about nine months it could take up to two years if you choose to specialize in a specific area of surgery such as neurosurgery or open heart surgery. There are many different schools in the state of Iowa that offer programs for incoming students that wish to pursue a career as a surgical tech. You can choose to take classes online or you can attend a local technical school, college or university. It all depends on how you learn best.

Iowa Surgical Tech Schools Enrolling Now

About Surgical Technician Careers in Iowa

There are so many different jobs out there. With the way the economy has been lately choosing a career instead of a job is the better choice. When you have a trade, career or profession you are more likely to keep your job and gain a life long position. Trained surgical techs are in great demand. The medical field is busier than ever and anesthesiologists, nurses and surgeons are always looking for trained and certified surgical techs.


Surgical Techs in the state of Iowa have an annual salary of approximately $38,110. There are however opportunities to make additional income from overtime hours. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)