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Surgical Technologist Schools

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Boston Surgical Technician Schools

Surgical tech schools in Boston offer training to help you become a surgical technician. Associate degrees take approximately 24 months to complete, while certificate programs take around a year. Surgical technicians who wish to advance higher up the career ladder should strive for a bachelor’s degree.

See what Boston surgical tech schools are available near you.

Surgical Technician Schools in or near Boston, MA

About Surgical Technician Jobs in Boston

Certain people are drawn to the medical field. There are many reasons that lure people to spend a lifetime in healthcare. Most medical professionals enjoy knowing they are making a huge impact in the lives of others. They like seeing an immediate impact of their work. Surgery is an area of medicine that can have drastic consequences on an individual. A life saving surgery can be a huge feat. Oftentimes, surgeries are performed in emergency situations. We are all thankful for the expertise and skill these professionals show. Surgeons are wonderful physicians, but they would not be able to carry out their expertise without the supporting work of surgical technicians. Surgical technicians work side- by- side with the surgeons.

These professionals are able to participate in the actual process of surgery. They assist the team by keeping the operating room sterile. In addition, they must take great care to ensure the field remains sterile. Infections can ravage the human body. Also, Infections can cause serious illness and death. The important nature of the surgical technician’s job is the reason intense training is necessary. These medical team members must know their craft thoroughly. Each member on the medical team must know exactly how to carry out their role. Any person off task could mean a disaster for the patient. Patients trust that the medical professionals will carry out their duties with excellence.

Surgical Technician Salaries in Boston

The average surgical technician salary in Boston is approximately $47,200 per year. Advancement and promotion does exist in this career field. Surgical technicians can advance to a surgeon assistant or other specialty roles. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Certification Requirements

Most medical employers require surgical technicians to be licensed and certified. Surgical technicians have the option of taking the certification exam after completion of an associate degree.

Financial Aid

Financial aid eases the financial burden for attending college. Many grants are for students that have limited income. The federal government also offers student loans to students. You can talk with your financial aid office about awards available for you.